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You can take the boy out of the city but you can’t take the city out of the boy as Benjamin Bertram demonstrates in his latest collection, entitled ‘Suburban Boys’.

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Do not be deceived, although the title indicates this is a monthly wish list my brain chops and changes its mind frequently. Thus chances are this section will come up more than once a month. Bare with me here, I am but a boy with wide eyes and a greedy taste for clothes.

Thank you GQ for bringing us Britain’s best dressed man and of course to Jane Moore for finally writing a piece of the woes of summer, focussing directly on the devastating trend in middle-aged men taking a liking to socks and sandals. More of a thank you goes out to GQ this evening for helping me select what is now top of my wish list this month, and probably always will be, that is…until something better comes along.

The Buckler Spring ’11 collection does, without doubt, have me begging for more money! I must have that jacket. (Photo: Monica Feudi).

Burberry never fail to have me on the edge of my seat, or asking my bank for an increase on my student overdraft account, and with the aviator jacket firmly on trend for women the men (or at least me) want to join in too.

The Colour Codes collection by Swatch has forever kept my interest, yet I must shamefully admit to shying ever so slightly away from brash colour, so keep your pinks, neon yellows and envy green and hand me over this classic retro tick tock.

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